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Pick any wishlist to fulfill and you will make my day (:


Church friends
Baby Carol

Singapore Poly

Long lost secondary sch friends… -.-
Ai Hui
Foong Ming
Gordon (ALIVE!)
Jia Zheng

Long long long lost primary sch friends……

Esther(cant go in)
Joseph (hyper blog)

Extra sia... =X

link u?

Monday, January 29, 2007

time for blogging... heez...
now very boring... its 1+am and i dunno what to do... normally 2-3am sleep... so now... yup...
hmmm... dunno what games to play... dota, tower defence, gunbound, maple, audition, worms, mario, miniclip, youtube... all this entertain me while i dun feel like studying or doing nth... now choosing games to play also sian liao la... weird right... choosing games to play also can sian de... i really nth to do!! lol...
is time to care for others... i not caring enough... haha! thinking back... i was like onli wish people happy birthday or wadever and did not put in effort to buy any gift or make anythings... haha! maybe i should start trying to buy gifts (cheap of course.. no $$ liao...)... yup! every christmas my bro will send christmas card to ALL his secondary, Jc, uni friends... so caring right? dun worry... he's still single... 23yr old onli... XD
his hp number is 96....... jkjk... poor him... all those he like de all dun like him... or not suit him... kk.. stop talking at my bro.. lol!
oh ya.. abt my dream... that ghosty dream... what god told me is that... i had two choice not to fear of them... one is to do things that what Jesus hate people to do... means to have sins... cuz when u having sins u do not fear anything except god... matthew 12:26... second is having strong trust in Jesus... but the price is great... yup...
last year... when i stay up late at night... (playing games of course) at the door there usually will hear shoe drop from the stand or something... and someone breathing outside the room... scary right? then now having nightmares.... cool... but thanks god... now dun have nightmares liao la... or weird sounds coming outside the room... now i know why people discourage us(the youth) from watching horrer movie... that's the reason... people can just have sins because of it!
*fear is not come from god*
god create people purely no fear... onli after when people do things which god does not allow... from genesis...
next! hope i can be a better leader in xile... cuz last year i was like doing not enough or what... having problems with others... not caring enough... bias? or... anyhow do...really truely very sorry for those i hurt... hope this year can help my members in... everything!
thanks god that duanrui (from my group XD) the newcomer in church had a strong trust in Jesus... read the bible more than i did... having strong religon... is a person i can learn from... hope he can continue having strong trust in Jesus!
hmmm... its late now... think better going off... next time bored again write 'long' post again... heez... bb!
(i wrote 1 hr... omg...)

6:18 PM

Saturday, January 27, 2007

well well.... spent too long time staring at my laptop... can sense that i can be sick anytime... Zzz... head going to be hot... started to feel cold.... OH NO!!! I CAN'T BE SICK NOW!!! NEXT WEEK IS MY EXAM!! if i sick i cannot study well le... Zzz... still dun understand SOME chapters.... NO NO NO NO!! NO WAY!!!
actually i fail the test i overall also pass leh... LOL!!! cuz teacher say the test onli 35% of the module... LOL!! just pass i think can get 3.8++ gpa liao... LOL!! i dun want just pass!! or get 3.8 gpa or wadever... i want to UNDERSTAND!!!
this week haven't jog yet... Zzz.... THE WEATHER IS RAINING NOW!!! hai... wanna jog and less chance to be sick... maybe next week then jog ba... drinking glucose now... hope i wun get sick... XD!!
here some photos i took secrectly... LOL!! on thur while studying... with alvin and dickson...
macdonal at airport

my book and drink and alvin playing his hp-motor cycle game...

alvin study so hard

dickson daydreaming...

that all... hahahaha! bb!!

2:30 PM

Monday, January 22, 2007

hey... haha!
first of all.. thanks lord that i AM not lazy for today!!!! weee~!!
today went sudying in airport with dickson jiamin and curious(1)... =X! study a lot... but still dun understand the... project!!!!!!!!!!! Zzzz...
study long sia... around 3pm reach airport... then now 11.30pm reach home... heez... do a lot of math questions... cuz skip too much math lesson le so dun understand.. LOL...
next... I DUN LIKE GOSSIP... LOL!!! someone gossip behind my back and i can sense it... LOL!!! i pro ba... hahaha! i can smell david's gossipssss.... lalalala....
next!!! please lar... i not so ugly right... some people just DIAO me when i talk to that person... ps... not the first time already... Zzz... or i got bad breath? dun think so ba... lord please grant me forgiveness.... lol... please change that person also... ty sooo soooo much!! haha!
NEXT!!! evil evil... just saw someone miss her bus stop... LOL... cuz she was sleeping like a log and i know is her bus stop to stop... wahahaha!!! think she went to the interchange liao~
hai... exam is around the corner... STUDY IS WHAT I NEED NOW... anyone wanna go out study??? heez...
so fast weekdays liao... quiet time so far so good... heez... need to find a day to jog le... yay!
bye bye...

3:59 PM

Friday, January 19, 2007

yo...! wa.. today tiring day... wake up need to go sch for gems... LAST LESSON~!!! YAY!!! at gems there keep using my brain power... -.-" then so tired... cuz it start at 8am...
then after gems went play warcraft with my classmates... play so long... more tired.. LOL... then 1+pm went math tutorial... i went there take attendence and sleep.. =x! lazy to do the work ar... haha! i woke up a few people left in the room le... dot...
then went little india with victor... he buying present... haha! help him choose leh... =X... raining sia... went home so wet le...
lucky sengkang din rain... haha! i reach home immediately went jogging! yay!! hahaha... ran 4.8km... =x! last round tiring ar... i need more stamina.... hahaha
aiyo... piano hw haven't touch this week... today must chiong liao... hope can do finish in time... bb~!!!

12:39 PM

Thursday, January 18, 2007

i am an evil guy... wahaha!
know what? i cancel that stupid saving plans... every mth dun need give 74 buck to that plans.. when i talk to that person in the phone hor... that person sounded so angry like that.. hahahaha! cuz my sis also work the same as him de... then she know how much that guy earn... then i cancel.. wahaha! then he no $$$!!!
in the phone he talk as if i am a evil person... he keep telling example like in a shoe shop the sale assi let me try a lot of shoe and i had choosen one.. but din buy from him but buy it from another shop...
he also mention he came all the way to sengkang blah blah blah... LOL...
he also wrong lar... first time meet from the beginning to end of speech i decided not to take up that saving plans one... then HE keep saying... "joshua, believe me lar. save $$ now must start already. cuz next time u got no time to save more $$$. by my experience... BLAH BLAH BLAH"
keep saying the same thing BUT i still dun want it AND he start giving me to sign that contract... i dun have any reasonssss to debate him... that y now i wanna cancel... argh...
THATs ALL ABT that saving plans.. LOL...
TODAY... wake up late again... cuz the night b4 i 3am slp... playing 'settlers' until midnight.. lol... then in sch so energetic... cuz doing the project... do from 8.15am-12pm non-stop sia... (in between got play mario ar... I COMPLETE STAGE 8!! hahahaha)... then went hougang mall with victor eat lunch... my project partner... then went home slp... =x
then wake up around 4pm... tidy up a bit went meet cla-rice and tricia for dinner... aiyo... clarice lost her wallet... next time be more careful ar!!! we search everywhere she gone to but still can't find it... so ke lian... then after dinner went home lo...
that's all for today... bye bye!

3:44 PM

Monday, January 15, 2007

yesterday had a bad dream... so scary sia... and i cried in my dream.. -.-"
BOO! ghost ghost!!!
i so frighten until i stone in my bed... haha! then i pray for god to get rid of my fear... and i continue sleeping... heez... and i overslept... -.-"
till now still remember the dream sia... -.-"
thinking back... i had dreams this year more than last year liao... (1st mth onli sia..) but after every BAD dreams i had, it was like god is telling me somethings... and he changed me every dream! i will get touch when i realised it...
god.. pls use other meathod other than BAD dreams leh... haha! can give me good dreams? =X
ahh... weather so cold... freezing in sch... now the road is wet... think today cannot jog liao.. haha! bye~

6:23 PM

happy birthday to aihui~!! 13 jan
happy birthday to rong juan~!! 14 jan
omg... nobody correct my previous post... is 9 weeks holiday not 9mths... LOL!!!
hmmm... sunday again... after church stay in church library fa dai... until around 4+ went airport see carol, alvin and dickson eat... then 5pm meet the 4E1 peers eat dinner... heez... long time no see they all le.. haha!
new year le i haven't make any goals... here is my goals... heez...
put in my template.. haha
-Excerise once every week... JOG JOG!! 3.6km at least... heez
-Do ling xiu everyday!!!!
-more hardworking!!!! (even if my result is bad...)
think no more liao... -.-"
one more!!! SAVE money... Zzzz.... currently like not enough money like that...

3:59 PM

Friday, January 12, 2007

hello~ hmmm... life is still slacking for me...
hmmm... after 3 weeks of 'holiday' back to school... not use to wake up so early... AND sleep early as well.. haha! slack ar... 3 more weeks of schooling got exam and HOLIDAY AGAIN~!!! HO HO HO!! 9mths wor!! kekeke...
yesterday really tired when i got home... i took a nap from 10pm-2am and wake up to BATHE! haha~! cuz wed my dad no work so went out buy new year clothe... hai... tot can choose my new year clothe myself like my two sis... but bo bian choose with my DAD!! different generation different taste ar... hahaha! then we ate dinner and went home le...
(me and eunice went home onli... esther went kbox with her bf... my parents went to their friend's house...)
then like what i said... slept at 10pm and wake up at 2am to bathe.. haha! bathe finish saw esther outside the house... =X! she trapped for 15mins!!! bahhahahaha!!!! then do QT and sleep... =D surprising i can still manage to sleep... heez...
can't live without god's words... god please grant me a clever mind to solve my problemssss... and let others around me happy~

12:55 PM

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

first day of sch i late already... (got some more late than me) aiyo... bring laptop forgot to bring charger... cannot play games... argh... today during my trip to sch my mp3 no batt... so dao mei sia.. LOL!!!
finally home... saw moujie on my way back... he going farrer park wor... go there for what???
tot he wanna chiong his study but yesterday still saw him in maple... -.- yesterday try playing online warcraft with him still failed... argh... fated.. lol!!
time flies ar... so fast this year 18 liao... -.- i am still young!!!
nth more liao.. bb~!!

10:15 AM

Thursday, January 04, 2007

-.-" eh? any sp friend same as me kana the phone call by someone telling about finance one?
yesterday kana the call lo... today met him, he talk talk talk... talk about saving... actually dun wanna join de... but think abt it i spent quite a lot in my hols.. lol!!! then join lo... save few dollar a mth... stupid ar... make people poorer onli.. -.-
what game to play? -.- sian ar... nobody to play with very boring.. lol!
10pm alvin said play warcraft de.. till now haven't online... think he still playing maple ar.. lol...

2:25 PM

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

hey... so long din post liao... hahha!!!
currently busy playing... =X!!! aiya... my project haven't start doing yet... lazy me... this week must do liao ar... and need to read 4 books.. ARGH....
audition so fun.. LOL!! 3 days lvl 6 liao... thanks to my bro's friend play with me... haha!! she so pro sia... (soon i will be pro-er... muahaha)
want add me as buddy??? name is lishikorkor...
this nick my bro create de... disguesting lo this nick... haha!!!
k ba... go play warcraft with alvin liao.. haha!! bb~!

1:58 AM