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Pick any wishlist to fulfill and you will make my day (:


Church friends
Baby Carol

Singapore Poly

Long lost secondary sch friends… -.-
Ai Hui
Foong Ming
Gordon (ALIVE!)
Jia Zheng

Long long long lost primary sch friends……

Esther(cant go in)
Joseph (hyper blog)

Extra sia... =X

link u?

Thursday, August 31, 2006

eh? aiyo... holiday should not blog... cuz NTH to blog... =X
ok... tml teacher's day celebration.... still deciding what time to go there... lol~! see how late i wake up ba.... haha~!
bored bored bored...
ok bb~!

1:46 PM

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

hmmm... today just another holiday... lol...
everything the same... lets talk abt my nightmare... LOL~!
wa... long time never had a dream le... yesterday night i got a long dream... aiyo... not so scary lar... haha~!
listen to it will make people slp... i will summarise ba.. haha~!
here is goes... me->carrying a heavy bag excaping from a very big building... then i was chased by a bunch of people... (ugly gals =X) then i run round in the building full of steps...(staircase) i can imagine my leg very suan... is like after a long run u got no more strength and u need to run for ur life... plus carring a heavy bag... aiyo... my leg really suan when i woke up... lol!! (maybe my leg haven't regain the energy after that jog 2 days ago...)
that feeling is like... dying... lol~
ok... lame lame... just blogging.. cuz nth to blog... haha~! cya!

8:44 AM

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

yay... haha~! finally~
i feel really happy after yesterday night... =) is a long time since i am truly happy... haha~!
all thanks to god that had listen to all my prayers... its all planned perfectly~!!!
nth is impossible with god
ok... my group everytime have the least people... everytime onli have carol and me come for xile... 2 onli... aiyo... my aim is more than 4 every week... =) hard u know? hai...
ouch ouch... today my both leg quite pain... haha~ cuz yesterday night went for a jog... so long never go jogging already... around... 6mth already? =X i ran 3.6km~!! hoho!! but my timing sux like hell... last time 4.8km take 21min(think so) now 3.6km onli i took 23min... -.-"
so long never run... imagine my leg today.... AHHH~!!
hehe jogging so fun.. =X think i will jog frequently.. my personal aim... this year...
4.8km <-- 20min
keke... aiyo... y poly dun have fitness test one!!!!! argh...
k... bb~!

6:53 AM

Saturday, August 26, 2006

hmmm... today did my last paper math.. -.- quite hard... dunno how the rest can survive... =X
aiyo... forgot to do one question... easy de question... hai... haha~! so weird... exam dun have exam mood... holiday le also dun have holiday mood... maybe everyday is called holiday to me ba... play everyday... lol...
hmmm... yup... i decided le... dun find one in church... =) lol~! dunno how i gonna find one.. =X leave it all to the perfect plan of god ba...
hmmm... this holiday i gonna practise my grade 8 piano exam very very de hard... and...
haha~! i never prepare bible competition b4 leh.. =X hope can contribute something... haha~! forgot what date is that thingy... =X think is on 16/9 ba...
keke... bb~!

11:11 AM

Friday, August 25, 2006

hmm... think my parents so eager me to have a gf.. lol~! today say go out study they immediately ask me in a very curious way... "is a girl or not?????(in chi)..." aiyo... everytime tell them i go out study they sure ask me that question one... -.-"
hmmm... today go hougang mall study with victor AGAIN... ya.. a girl... ops... =X not very productive... =X most of the time talking onli... haha~! still got learn a little bit ba.... haha~!
hmmm... i will not think abt BGR nowadays ba... think le hor... very hor.... sian... =X
abt bgr hor... dun ask me anything... -.- cuz i got nth to say... lol...
read le david de blog... think god is also testing my patient... i make up my mind le... got 2 way...
1. until my spiritual live have grown then go find one... still long...
2. find someone hu's spiritual live is strong and can help me 'build' my spiritual live...
->but i will not find one in church... no reason is given... =X
hope bible competition... xile... wun throw face... =X kekekeke... hope bible competition will encourage me to read the bible too...! =)
okie... thanks for reading.. haha!! bb~!

12:16 PM

Thursday, August 24, 2006

hi~! today so bored... no sch stay at home doing nth... watch youtube whole day... =X
hai... long time no go jogging le... everytime say want to jog but still din jog... =X think i said that for a year le... haha~! i wear sport attire everytime at home leh... (cuz i keep telling myself tml go jogging... aiyo~!)
hmmm.. so sian... life really meaningless without god.. yay... bible competition~! xile jia you!!! haha~! hope i can fully prepare it.. =X bb~!

1:10 PM

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

hihi... =X yesterday i be a lightbulb for 6hours... ops...
yesterday quite busy... morning go sch for that stupid 5min interview... then go home a while onli need to go piano lesson... after that go church "study" and used my electricity for 6hours for my very bright de light... =X most of the time playing and sleeping... lol~! then around 12am like that reach home... =X
late late... everyday so late slp... wahaha~! what to write... aiyo... nth le.. bb~!!
hope victor fail his exam... can save a lot of money... =X NO OFFENCE!!!

3:35 PM

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

yeah!!! =X
today got PEEE exam.. lol... quite... easy but hard... =x AIYO!! dunno how to explain ar.. =x means... hard but can do but dunno correct or not... YAY!!
keke... lucky today got study... study de almost all come out... yay... can forget it le... haha~!
left math exam... WAHAHAHA!!! like a hols to me now... =D
hmmm... lucky my piano exam in the hols... =x hope i will not fail so badly... keke....
happy today.. haha~! bb!!

1:08 PM

Monday, August 21, 2006

yo~! lol!! haha!!
hmm... my blog nice ma? =X cool leh... keke...
today go mu shi house eat dinner me jiamin and noah got stomachach... dotz....
be prepare... dickson... =X
hmmm... still remember noah de words last last last time.... is true.. lol... friendship magically become close when u share ur secret with them... right foong ming... cryslin... victor....? haha~! and of course shuling... =X sry ar shuling... keke.... i din tell anyone so dun worry... LOL~!
hai... mon got a exam... after tml can relax le... =D kkz.. bb~!

4:43 PM

Saturday, August 19, 2006

yoz.. hmm... today a fine day.. lol...
not compo...
YAY!!! PROJECT FINISHED!!!! lolz!!yesterday go sch do my project... WITHOUT MY BUDDY!! (is better to be alone) LOL~! go back sch with victor and the gals... FINALLY!!! no problem~!! wee~! so happy... must ty victor... if not i wun be going back.. LOL~!
aiyo... cannot watch movie at 1pm lar... meet others play tennis.. LOL~! NOT DATING!!!! keke...
aiyo.. today my cousin go back go beijing le...9.15am... think someone will miss her very much... =X LOL!!
okie... bye~!

3:41 PM

Friday, August 18, 2006

yo yo... hmmm... today my index finger pain pain...
cuz of that stupid exam pieces-->C5 need to use index finger to play a lot of notes... aiyo... cuz of one finger cannot practise other pieces... =X
hmm... today continue watching my anima onepiece... lol~! hai.... dunno wanna do my hw or not... that stupid goal setting... AHH!!!! and my project.... -.-" stupid parnter.... ops.. keke...
okie... bb...

11:31 AM

Thursday, August 17, 2006

yo~! hmm... lets calculate....
3+3+ (7 or 8) + 7 =.....20 to 21
hai... blame hu? TEACHER!!!!! NEVER TEACH DE!!!!!
3 marks <-- multiple choice Qn 7
(me n victor say teacher never teach)
(but leo say teacher got teach but once and for all onli..)
3 marks <--multiple choice Qn 8
(all student dunno cuz teacher never teach b4)
7or8 marks <---- Qn B2 part a
(dunno how to simplify my bad.. lol)
7 marks <--- Qn B3 part b
(si question.... teacher never teach b4)
rest if no mistake all correct cuz teacher teach b4..
AHHH!!!!!! hai... mostly teacher fault... AGREE??? haha!! hmm... should change teacher le... lol!!
hmmm.. i so bad... haha!! wa... next exam cannot rely on those teacher teach us de... must study whole book... keke... next test teacher say harder leh... sure die de... cuz this test die le...
hmmm... kkz... bb~!

1:21 PM

Monday, August 14, 2006

o.O yo~!
keke.... ty jia min for teaching me piano... keke.... i dunno i got so many mistakes sia... AHHH!!! need to check everytime i play my exam pieces le... T.T
hmm... today just like another sunday... keke... after church go eat lunch...(skip zhu ri xue again.. =x) then choir then study in church... keke...
hmmm... take out the music in the blog le... make my blog so lag... (dun like it) haha!!
i simply love exam... cuz dun need go sch... WEE~!!!! haha!! so much free time... cuz... exam dun need study de... WEE!!!! bye~!!!

2:30 PM

Friday, August 11, 2006

yo~! keke... my blog got pw le!! WEE~!!!
yay... cryslin got blog le!!! keke... link her!! lols!
no play maple = lost touch maple friends... awww...
aiyo... nvm... =x can talk through msn... keke... dun miss me wor... keke...
cryslin still new in blog... must help her wor everyone... lols!!
kkz... bb!!

2:51 PM

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

okie.. another day... and that guy late for sch for 2.5hours... (i late 45mins) 2.5HOURS!!!!! i was like sitting there doing nth and watch anime... -.- and he din do finish that project.. Zzz... and our project GOT PROBLEM!! OH NO!!!!
hai... i bought home and do... (got him = no diff) i prefer individual work... AHHH!!!
ok.. dun talk abt my sch le... so boring keep saying all these... Zzz...
(si boong haven't tell me how to do the blog pw...)

3:56 PM

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

some people just din use brains...
that guy that sit beside me... DIN BRING THE PROJECT TO SCH!!!! and this week is project week.. go sch just to do the project and he just din bring it...
STUPID EXCUSES!!!! teacher tell him go home take the project he say lost ez-link card and say transport fee very ex... that excuses nvm leh... i lent him my ez-link card go home take he JUST DUN WANT!!! say very far very far... EUNOS ONLI!!!!!!! HALF HOUR RIDE ONLI LEH!!!!! IDIOT!!! me leh? SENKKANG LEH... and today do finish tml dun need go sch for that lesson!!!! really piss me off...
come and fro mostly take less than 1.5hour... and tml that lesson is 8-12pm... AND A LONG BREAK UNTIL MATH!!!! WAIT FROM 12 TO 3PM!!!!! see? he just need 1.5hour can save our 7 hours... SIAO!!!! JUST BECAUSE HE DIN BRING THAT PROJECT!!!
really cannot stand him...
k.. bye... dun say anymore... ye shuo ye qi... these days so sux..

7:54 AM

Saturday, August 05, 2006

read if u hate me... u will hate me more
-.- i hate everyday...
tml going concert not going fly kite... and my members all cannot go also... -.- can't do anything abt it.. yaya... dun ask me y they din come... one answer... how i know??? ask them lo...
hope tml is a fine day... especially going out with t***... hai... can't stand some people... the way of talking... just.. irritating... cannot stand it... and i hate irritating people... want me to be direct?? ERVIN stop disturbing in msn when u had nth to talk to me... stop saying "HI" followed by "HELLO" everytime i log in... IS IRRITATING... he wun see my blog de... comfirm plus guaranty chop... saying out for fun... btw... i show attitude to irritating people...
i gonna write a lot(to me)... if feel sian just close this window... remember to tag b4 leaving... ty
lets start by talking those person i dislike... a guy(he wun see my blog too de..) just sit beside me in SCH... know hu le? obviously... y i dun like him? if u study with him u will know... (my class onli got 3 gals... one of them have to sit beside him... all dun like to sit beside him... shikin no choice but to sit with him) see how terrible? and i had worst luck at the first day of sch that i sat beside him and now cannot change place... IDIOT!!! and all those project need to team with him... he just din do anything... group work also have to do with him... sometimes he will help out... but increase trouble onli... TERRIBLE!! I WANNA COMPLAIN!!!!!!!!
and to those 3 gals... stop repeating words that are irritating... K? i dun want to show attitude to u all... and bing zhe dun follow them... yaya... this is my warning... if u all read this just remember it... if u wondering what irritating words u all say... use ur brain.. ty.. -.-
hu else i dun like... eh... i dun like a person that i cannot dun like de... chim ba... i did show attitude to her(oftenly)... hope nth happen...
hmm... lets talk abt my attitude... those hu irritate me de... i will talk to them in a angry tone(those prepare to kill someone de tone)... i will also show a 'sian' face... that's all... easy ba...
next mon programming test and teacher was like HACK CARE US LO... after lesson just walk out of the lap... really can't stand her... the way she talks sound like my friend t***... -.- VERY... nvm... t*** worse... dunno how she teach de... "USE UR OWN METHOD AND DESIGN TO MAKE UR OWN PROGRAM" <--see.. how to learn? out of the whole class i think onli one know the module... bing zhe lo... hu else... and more than half the class playing warcraft when we are "exploring" how to make the program... warcraft is such a lame game... VERY FUN HUH?? everywhere warcraft... those result good de play nvm leh... those EVERYTIME fail de still play during lesson lo... one word to them... HOPELESS~!!!! dun digress.... monday is programming test le... HOW TO LEARN??? onli way is to copy bing zhe work... stupid teacher... monday programming test sure got a lot people fail de... one of them may be me...
keke... i sound rude while writing... i onli do this when i in bad mood... -.- yaya...
i stop playing maple le... maybe stop untill... forever?? maple just wasting my time... all u need to do is to lvl... why lvl? to become stronger... stronger then? stronger lo... then got what? ks people ar? ks so fun ar? -.- if u in higher lvl u need more than 6hr non-stop to just lvl one time...
spent so much hour just to ks? other than ks can do what? show off? SHOW OFF MY FOOT... show people how long u train until this or that lvl?? show people how much u wasted ur time killing the same monster over and over again?? so lame...
dickson: i can't believe i play a character until lvl 20+(forgot what lvl he say...)
now my turn... me: i can't believe i wasting my time playing 3 characters all lvl60 over...
and gunbound is much more fun than maple lo... (skill game is much more fun than 'time spenting' game) and kenneth... i dunno what game u playing... it sound like maple... stop wasting ur time leveling... (he wun see my blog de... write for fun)... that all for games.. games is just for relaxing and distress... (and maple failed to do that...) not wasting time and effort.. (maple did that very well) AND~!! not for wasting money(maple pro in cheating kids money) same standard as NKF le...
after i stop maple i got more time le... yay... lol... more time practise my grade8 piano exam... more time study my upcoming exam... and i got more patient in doing things le... like... study? practising piano? keke... patient in writing blog also... =) eh.. but still lazy... =x blog must be reader friendly blog then people will see everyday ma... like i see ____ de blog everyday.. =x
k ba.. dun say anymore... i rarely write long blog de leh... must treasure wor~! keke... ty boong for reading all this... keke... remember tennis wor... keke...

3:30 PM

Thursday, August 03, 2006

yo~ happy birthday Yue Ming.. LOL~!
hmm... so bored today.. got that stadium de performance... waste my time.. -.-"
AHHH~!!! any idea what to watch in youtube?? i think i watch most anime le.. hai... so bored... life is like that... -.-...
kk... bye... =x

10:14 AM

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

hmmm... today... normal day.. lol...
today lesson break time went to play bowling and pool in sch... =x my bowling suddenly become so pro... lol!!! play two game... got 151 and 149 points... LOL!!! pool lose to kenneth.. ~.~
change song for my blog.. can hear the song? =x meaningful huh? da jia dou zai lian ai... so lonely without one.. LOL~!
keke... reader friendly blog... bb~!

2:55 PM

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

dun feel like writing... just blogging...
food court 4 stop for 1 mth le... sian...

12:02 PM