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Pick any wishlist to fulfill and you will make my day (:


Church friends
Baby Carol

Singapore Poly

Long lost secondary sch friends… -.-
Ai Hui
Foong Ming
Gordon (ALIVE!)
Jia Zheng

Long long long lost primary sch friends……

Esther(cant go in)
Joseph (hyper blog)

Extra sia... =X

link u?

Sunday, February 26, 2006

tired tired....
today play bball whole day... went to marine parade din play de.... search for a court so hard... then went to punggol play bball... -.- sun burnt like siao.... skin colour diff so much... hate it....
sian... can't find my grade5 theory cert... how to do my grade 8piano exam???!!!! bad bad bad.... die die die... tonight must find... but dunno where to find... evening find all over the house le still dun have.... hai.... wish me luck ba.... by tml need to find that CERT!!! -.- bb...

12:17 AM

Thursday, February 23, 2006

yo!! today play pool with my sch friend.... nice nice.... keep winning... muahaha!!!! become pro le.... haha!! after that eat lunch le go play dota.... hate that game... keep losing..... LOL!!! anyone wanna play pool with me??? haha!! that's all ba... bb!

10:11 PM

yo! today went out whole day... it is my dad off day so go out lor... walk walk walk... brought a new hp!! wahaha!! then eat dinner with all my mother side de people... -.- now charging my hp... muahaha!! tml then explore... -.- that's all ba... BYE!!

11:35 AM

Sunday, February 19, 2006

hi? today went go watch movie with joanna jesmine shuling and shenhao... watch i not stupid too... -.- cry a little bit... -.- LITTLE BIT!!! i not inhuman.... LOL!!! then go church tie the water bag... night got water game....
hmm.... sabby call me say wanna join the band for in tempo 8 or not... think i dun join ba... long time no play the clarinet le.... not interested also... -.- lalala.... LOL!! that's all ba... bb...
my cell group all din talk de... not fun... hai.... BYE!!

3:22 PM

Friday, February 17, 2006

hii... wa.. so tired today.. LOL!! went out whole day... haven't do qt yet... -.-
rushing today... 10.30am wake up... but continue to slp... 12pm need to reach pasir ris cc.... meet my sch friends to play badminton and basketball... i 11am then force myself to wake up de... -.- so sleepy... 4+++am then slp leh...
after playing then we go tampines play dota... then play pool!!! my favourite!!! wahahaha!!! then go long john silver eat dinner then went home le... -.- haven't bathe yet..... so sticky... haha!!! BB!!

2:12 PM

Thursday, February 16, 2006

o.O wahaha... happy for boong!!! patch with her bf le!!! HOHO!!!!
hmm... everyday the same for me... wake up read bible... eat then play the piano for a while... then do qt... -.- everyday same ar.... lallaa.... nth le... haha

7:37 AM

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

=) staying at home for today... all my bro and sis went for date le ba.... left me alone... LOL!! went for piano lesson today... come back eat, do QT, read bible then come here write blog le... =)
for those hu are sad... pray for god and he will plan for ur life...
that's all ba... happy valentine everyone!!! =)

12:16 PM

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

O.o alvin got gf??? O.o
yo!!! today monday.... WA!!! so FAST!!!! tml piano lesson haven't practise... -.- still playing maple.... LOL!!! hmm... today nobody online de... ='( that y i writing now... LOL!!! sian sian... make my choice le....
Aerospace electronic
Aeronautical engineering
Cyber & digital Security
Biomedical Science
Health science
that is all what i choose.... without my parents agreement.... LOL!!! wahaha!!! onli child go to poly.... -.- not bad ba.... hehe.... that all ba... BB!!!

3:37 PM

Monday, February 13, 2006

hi!! sunday... -.- yesterday type song until so late... haha!! today in noah lesson a bit sleepy... -.- after typing i play maple a while ma... haha!!
hmmm... today nth much... on the com play maple lor... wa... hardly see boong online in the afternoon... then we play until evening like that.... now still playing with her.. -.-
now virus check... scare i kana hack again... LOL!! cuz like last time like that... kana dc a lot of time... next day items all gone... LOL!!! thats all ba.... =) gd luck everyone!!
pray for me and simon ba... WATER GAME!!!!!! AHHH!!!!!! BB!!

3:57 PM

Saturday, February 11, 2006

hmm... today take back result... Eng c6!!! PASS!!!! MUAHAHAHA!!! all math A1... hard to get lower ar... -.- all science b3!!!!! AHH!!!! LOUSY!!!! humanities D7... -.- I WAN F9!!! -.- chi B4 and no more le....
L1R4 14
L1R5 21...
bad? good? average lar... same L1R5 with joanna... haha! that all ba... going to decide which poly to go to... =) gd luck for all my friends!! =D bb!!
btw!! hu going poly?? tell me!! =D can go together!!!!

9:01 AM

Friday, February 10, 2006

hmm... hate raining... actually today wanna go play bball with my class friends de.. cuz of the rain cancel le... -.-
ergh.... my xfriendsx acc kana hack... -.- LOL... millions of mesos and items gone... nvm... dunno play what acc le... maybe play assi... more fun.... that bandit... -.- useless le... LOL!! assi need to buy the items again... -.- give all the items away le... need to buy again... -.- challenge my friend hu go third job first.... -.- cannot use my mage acc... lol!! that all ba... -.- bad day ar? LOL

7:58 AM

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

=D love this song so much... yue ding... -.-
today spent my time quite useful... PRACTISE MY PIANO!!! aww... cuz tml piano lesson then last min learn.... ahh.... still got a lot to practise.... no time le.... -.- next time cannot last min le... haha!! practise a while bored le... then rest a while then play again.... later gonna do my piano hw... I HATE THEORY!!! aww.... so many to do... cuz last week CNY so go two week de hw... moreover my teacher know i din go work and schooling then give me so much.... today must do all finish.... -.- try ba... haha!! that all ba.... no more le...

9:12 AM

Saturday, February 04, 2006

-.- 36.9... =D my fever ok le!! HAHA!!! but still feel sick like that... -.- feel hot and sweaty... hear thing bit deaf like that... so soft like that...
hmm... today watch tv whole day... -.- nth to do ma.... watch and watch.... just wasting my time.... haha.... my harry potter read until half le... -.- but! think i forgot to read my bible le... -.- haha!! must replace le.... -.- tml tuanbai... must slp early today... haha... that's all ba... -.-

12:00 PM

Friday, February 03, 2006

-.- sick today....
maybe is yesterday play too much com ba..... play whole day.... -.- this morning feel so terrible lor.... then force myself to eat lunch.... -.- just ate a panadol and cool myself down with ICE!!!! -.- think cannot play too much le... -.- haiz.... weak weak... LOL!! dunno y now so sweaty.... -.- maybe going to ok le... =D from 38.4 drop to 37.7.... -.- not bad le... feeling better now... LOL!! plan my time table le... -.- i should not be playing now..... haha!! just plan what i need to do per day.... -.- wanna go jogging de... BUT I SICK!!!! awww..... yesterday start reading harry potter.... -.- read abt 1/4 le.... HAHA!! that's all ba... -.-

8:34 AM

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

TIRED!! so early wake up.... today go siao ling house... can remember weilun looks... haha!! maybe not xi guan of his looks ba.... -.- so cute... HAHA!!!
then after that went to play pool.... -.- not my day today... keep missing the balls.... -.- CAN'T SHOOT IN DE!!!!!! nvm.... -.- xijie pro sia... LOL!!!
then my dad fetch me to go eat with haisheng de family... -.- dun talk abt that... -.- wait so long.... dose off on the table le.... then go meet my bro give him his bag then go home le.... =D so good to be home.... -.- that all lor.... nth much.... -.- bye

2:16 PM