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Pick any wishlist to fulfill and you will make my day (:


Church friends
Baby Carol

Singapore Poly

Long lost secondary sch friends… -.-
Ai Hui
Foong Ming
Gordon (ALIVE!)
Jia Zheng

Long long long lost primary sch friends……

Esther(cant go in)
Joseph (hyper blog)

Extra sia... =X

link u?

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

hihi... -.-
TIRED!!! now is mid-night 1am... -.- hai.... two kids keep bothering me and my bro... -.- quite fun ba... haha!!! so many people in my house today... -.-
wrote the blog two times le... -.- cuz those kids keep shutting down the com and ALL MY WORDS GONE!!!! aww.... tml dunno can wake up or not... -.- so early go meet my friends.... ahhh... bothering me again.. LOL!! bb

12:57 AM

Monday, January 30, 2006

today chi new year.... -.- SO TIRED!!! now at home le... =D FINALLY AR!!! go houses to houses half dead de.... haha!! get 'quite' amount of money too.... =D can last me for few days.... -.- i spent quite easily... -.- haha!!
that's all ba... -.- so hot and tired today....

11:35 AM

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Wa... happy chi new year!!! =D
today went to cut my hair.. -.- not nice de... haha!!! went to compass point can't find the sticker lele wants... then go cut hair... -.- today leg so suan sia... yesterday run so much... ahh.... wash face the skin quite painful.... MY SUNBURN!!! minor lar.. not so dark... -.- not dark ar... is RED!!! aww...
HAI!!!..... cannot put music in my blog... -.- CANNOT LOG IN THE iwebtune!!!!!! din send me the mail how i VERIFY!!!! -.- look so boring my blog... haha!!!
hmm.... nth more... =D

1:42 AM

Saturday, January 28, 2006

outer hand dark... inner de white... so ugly... -.- hai.... today went out for the whole day.... went for class gathering and xinshi de tuanqi... =D quite fun... haha!! spend quite amount too.... eating... lan....eat again.... movie(with xinshi people)... bus fare? -.- almost $30 gone for today....
so tired today.... yesterday so late slp then today so early wake up.... put alarm clock at 7.30am but i 6++am wake up... -.- can't go back to slp.... dunno y... -.- then today class gathering play captain ball WHOLE AFTERNOON!!!! THAT'S THE REASONS OF MY SUN BURN!!!! AHHhh..... got the watch marking in my left hand...!!!! so hot and thirsty today lor.... din bring waterbottle.... that what i most regret...-.- AND I WEARING MY JEANS TO PLAY CAPTAIN BALL THE WHOLE DAY!!! MY LEGS SO HOT!! nobody tell me to bring clothes... -.- wear the class tee whole day.... so dirty... so wet... so smelly.... nan ren wei??? LOL -.-
gonna plan my time le... =D slacking so long le... HAHA!!
that's all for today ba... =D bb!!!!

1:10 AM

Friday, January 27, 2006

hihi! today... -.- wasting time whole day.. -.-
go change blog skin.... afternoon practise the piano a while onli... -.- then on the com.... wa... change the skin very troublesome ar... change here change that... then cannot put music inside... cuz the sever down!!! ahhh.... that all ba... -.- today slp early... tml going back sec sch... then maybe pri sch... =D BYE!!!

2:52 PM

Thursday, January 26, 2006

=D today.... quit my job...many reasons.... msg my manager say i wanna stop the job then she DIN EVEN REPLY ME LOR!!! what a manager....
this year piano exam... grade 8 de... wanna get good grade... =D so that is one reason i wanna quit.. secondly my dad so discouraging lor... say so much until i dun wan to do the job de... nvm... stay at home better.... no troubles... got lots of time do my own thing... LOL!! also quite boring if din play maple... maple maple... haha!!!! maple de friend so wish i am back... LOL!!! is late!!! wanna go jogging tml morning de... think can't wake up le... haha!! that all ba.... HAVEN'T READ MY BIBLE YET!!! AHhh.... BB!!!

5:26 PM

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

weird blog... think is time to change the template le... >.<>.<

11:55 AM

=) wa.. sunday write the blog actually very long de leh.... BUT POST IT OUT SO LITTLE!!! CUT AWAY THE MIDDLE CONTENT!!!! nvm.... dun wan to write again..... >.<
today went for first appointment!!! =D now at home... (OF COURSE LAR) haha!! go meet song en in church... =D din sold anything... >.<>.<>.<>
today write a lot... cuz from today quit maple le.... =D actually not so much lar... -.- think i do this blog more than 1hr plus le... >.<>

11:53 AM

Monday, January 23, 2006

=) sunday... looks the same... very clear in the service and very sleepy in noah lesson... >.<
today read a lot.... bible.... =) goanna catch up my reading.... hope i can continue reading, praying and doing qt everyday... =D thats all... BB!!!

1:51 AM

=) sunday... looks the same... very clear in the service and very sleepy in noah lesson... >.<
today read a lot.... bible.... =) goanna catch up my reading.... hope i can continue reading, praying and doing qt everyday... =D thats all... BB!!!

1:51 AM

=) sunday... looks the same... very clear in the service and very sleepy in noah lesson... >.<>
today read a lot.... bible.... =) goanna catch up my reading.... hope i can continue reading, praying and doing qt everyday... =D thats all... BB!!!

1:51 AM

Sunday, January 22, 2006

=D late late.... everytime so late slp... =D gotta plan my time le...
=D sat xile so little people... wahaha! kampong style tuanqi!! lol!! sit on the floor sing and talk... WASTE MY EFFORT TO ARRANGE THE CHAIR AND CARRY THE OHP!!! nvm... =D a wonderful night.... worth it... LOL!
hmmm... addiction... =D truthful speaking... i a bit addicted lar... -.- no shame! haha! but not addicted that much lar!!! i can dun play de... =D try me? wahaha! i must not play too much le... must stay in touch with god... =D i play maple also can say i not playing lar... -.- WAT M I TALKING??!! i go maple to talk and train others de... WAHAHA!!! if nobody online then maybe i play other games... -.- eg.... gunbound... counterstrike... but most of the time got ppl online de... HAHA!!! thats all ba... -.- BYE!!

4:26 PM

Friday, January 20, 2006

=D late late late... everytime so late slp.... =D
yesterdat go nyp... go there like... like to nth? haha!!! talk talk talk... talk with maple de people... -.- today going to sp.... =D see the courses.... -.- wish i can aim for what i like... WHICH I HAVEN'T DECIDE WHAT I LIKE!!!! -.- eating prawn noodles now... -.- eat and type... =D actually dun wan to eat de... -.- all because of my dad to force me to eat.... no nice de the prawn noodles... -.- my dad stall de nicer... =D thats all ba... today play maple whole day... =D train others... haha! lvl up so slow lor... -.-
looking forward to sat... ADDICTION!!! lol!!! thats all le.... =D bb

7:54 PM

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

hihi.. today... went to piano lesson... =D then went home... -.- wa... the dinner last min cook very nice... haha!!! =D so tired today.. yesterday 6+am then slp... -.- settlers again... lol! boring lor.... still play... -.- thats all le ba... -.- BYE!!

1:56 PM

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

hihi... today sleep around 5 hr onli... yesterday night play settlers... -.- so tired... today wake up decide wan to quit the job de... so boring... no income yet!!! but... -.- think i continue ba.... =) cuz if not i dun have any jobs... -.- go there make friends also good mah.... haha!!! BUT!!! MY BUS FARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so ex... -.-
hmm... tml do survy.... =D recruit people and earn money... HAHA!!! not bad... dun need to sell.... tell those people i recruit de to sell can le... WAHAHA!!! ops.. -.- but i still must sell lar... -.- i will try hard!! =P thats all... -.-

2:54 PM

Monday, January 16, 2006

great day.... for some reasons... haha!!! problems solved... no more worries... no more problems.... =D happy.... lol!!
hai... the job... -.- dun feel like doing... cuz is like do long term de then can earn money.... part time like me can't earn any savings... -.- hope i got the courage to explain to my manager or others... -.- haha!!
today go out again... go city hall again.... play settlers.. -.- not bad... quite fun... expecially my sis laugh and scream at the same time.... cuz jiamin scared her that there is a cat behind her... -.- the jiaen lar... haha!!! say meien look like him... then she laugh until cry... -.- like three expression at a time... cry shock laughing... -.- can't imagine...
thats all abt today... =) MAPLE SO LAG NOW!!!! -.- lol!! bb

3:40 AM

Sunday, January 15, 2006

yesterday went out whole day.... went to the office... -.-attend the distrubutors session.... -.- then sit in an oily place talking with mr kit.... with our group... the worst GROUP IN THE COMPANY!!! lol!! nth much le.... =)
today just wake up and write blog le... later going ice-skating.... =) hope is fun... >.<

3:25 PM

Friday, January 13, 2006

hihi... today dunno y... wake up so early... maybe i sense that i going to receive a importand sms... and it is...
hmm... slept around4hr today? lol...
know what i learn in the job? i learn to trust people there... i learn the problems face by them...most importantly i learn to face rejection... i accept rejection... y keep bothering you if u face one? it will onli make u sad... onli pull u down in life... y i said all this? cuz i feeling sad these few days... y i sad? cuz i can sense that i will receive that msg someday... and that is today.... luckily i receive that msg... or i will not know what she wants... i will not have peace in my heart... now i know what she wants... i accept that... cuz i know its god planning...
god really listen to my prayers... he gave me a job when i kept asking... he let me learn a lot of thing through the job before letting me to receive that msg... he plan for me and guild me... i wun blame anyone for things that goes wrong... cuz i knew it is god who plan for me... his planning is perfect... y dun lets a perfect god to plan for a perfect life? i know... there is no perfect life... but there is nothing impossible god can do..
that all... just a little jian zheng for god... hope someone hu is not a christian hu read my blog can experience god one day... thanks for reading... =D stay happy always~
remembered a verses... chi version...the meaning....
-> pray if u sad... sing to the lord if u are happy...

1:47 AM

Thursday, January 12, 2006

today went out whole day... =D go for job training... not bad... =D learn a lot.... haha! now quite confident with the product... haha! hmm.... got selling the water machine... magnetic field bed.... and many more!!! haha!!!
currently finding something... -.- can't find... haha!! thats all ba... so tired today... -.-

1:37 PM

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

hi... -.-
yesterday... night go night safari with meide ge de family... liu chun plus two children... and eunice n moses... -.- not bad... first time go.. -.- then go meide house overnight.... play puzzle.... -.- then slp lor...
today... wake up 12.30pm.... haven't eat then go out le.... go meet xile de people plus chunwen.... -.- go watch movie... after that went home.... play maple... -.- that's all... haha... bb!

10:30 AM

Monday, January 09, 2006

hmm... raining whole day... what a bad weather... went out whole day too... went out with some xinshi people... i YOUNGEST!! -.- went to airport eat and play settlers... quite happy that i can go out with xinshi people...
Quite fustrated with 'some' people... can't a secret be a secret??? wat is the meaning of secret??? nvm...
can't write anymore... nth to say... bb

2:15 PM

Friday, January 06, 2006

hihi... today.... haha!! not yesterday again.... today... play MAPLE!!!!! died once... haha!!! today lvl up le... lvl62... -.- boring game... haha!!! go orchard find job... the popular de... think cannot hire us ba... cuz gone to east point de they onli wan full time and throughout the year de... haha!! then came home maple again... -.- lala... really bored mah.... haha!! wa... 14jan adult fare le... T.T $$$$$ hai... 长大了?? lolxx!!!! din go 3mth jc no student fare... -.- that's all.... bb!!

3:48 PM

Thursday, January 05, 2006

hmm.... another day... yesterday... -.- wed... go find job with my friend... haha!!! wasted a lot money.. -.- on a product... and games.. -.- came home play maple lor.. haha! nth to do.... hmm... my life is mapling.. -.- nvm... haha... haven't do my QT YET!!!! must do later... EVERYDAY!!! haha!! playing maple... -.- bb!!

5:17 PM

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

hi... another day... lolx!
today... ops... is after 12am... yesterday... wake up play com.. -.- afternoon practise a bit piano then go piano lesson... -.- come back le play com again.. -.- then later eat dinner and play com again.... com com com... haha!! so boring lor... -.- play until now.... just bathe finish... -.- tml going to find a job... toy rus... -.- tampines... haha!! nth to write le.. bb...

1:13 AM

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

hihi... yup.. is chuan wen... lolx!!! suddenly forget mah... -.- haha!!
today... go play sport... tennis and badminton... and............. settlers... -.- quite fun... haha! then go buy food and go CHUAN WEN house eat and play...........settlers.... haha... mei en so cute... keep forgetting my name... -.- so many times le lor.... kai kai kai kai... -.- few min later forget again... haha!! cute cute... haha! hmm... that today... =D go out whole ay... -.-
hmm... finally can slp in my own bed... =D BYE!!

3:59 PM

Monday, January 02, 2006

hihi... long time no update... hm... talk abt that day i last update....
28dec --- truthfully.... i din practise my piano... -.- lolx!! play maple whole day... -.-
29dec --- thursday... forgot what i did... must be playing maple too...
30dec --- fri... AHH!!! STM!!!! forgot too... -.- maple ba... lolx!!
31dec --- this i remember... cuz yesterday... if can't remember sure become old man... hmm... wake up play com... -.- then 3pm wanna go my class de countdown 'party' de... then i remembered that i 5pm need to go church... haha! then din go to that party... go church lor... then countdown.... little people... haha! er... nth much...
today.... great day... lolx! go church then got choir then meeting... =D after that go out with carol, songen, jiaen(PAN PAN), peisuan(did i spell correct?) zhaoshan, and the... the.... forgot his name... er.... the... teach sec1 last year de... -.- HOW CAN I FORGET DE NAME!!! nvm.... hmm... let me write something funny.... today go hans eat dinner then last dish we called two ice-cream(panpan favourite)... then all very full cannot finish... u know what? then carol or hu say 'lets go' then one ice-cream give panpan finish it... songen say 'i very full le still wan me eat' hmm... his sentence made us laugh... cuz his immediate action is he ate the other plate of ice-cream... -.- more ice-cream and he eats faster then panpan lor... haha!! hmm...
dun write too much... later ppl read le also feel sian... haha!! BYE!

1:53 PM