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Pick any wishlist to fulfill and you will make my day (:


Church friends
Baby Carol

Singapore Poly

Long lost secondary sch friends… -.-
Ai Hui
Foong Ming
Gordon (ALIVE!)
Jia Zheng

Long long long lost primary sch friends……

Esther(cant go in)
Joseph (hyper blog)

Extra sia... =X

link u?

Thursday, December 29, 2005

hi... yesterday.... go lele concert concert... hm... should i write out all the story? haha!! go see natalie de blog ba... then i dun need write le.. -.-
hm.... i reach home nothing to do... around 12 midnight already... can't use com... onli watch tv... hai... then after i bathe i go to slp.... my dad came back and brought me a bed... not bad ar... haha! dun need to slp sofa le... hmm... make me angry de is my mum WATCH TV in front of me in the living roon where i am SLEEPING!!! hm... nvm... i still can slp... really piss me off...
hm... today... all gone to sentosa... left me behind at home... nvm... i can practise my piano... tml piano lesson... -.- die... haha! thats all... bb...

5:45 AM

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

hihi... wa.... yesterday night so angry... haha!!! slp in living room.... very comfortable.... then my dad disturb me... carry me to his bed.. -.- then i can't slp!!!! hao bu rong yi suai de leh.... then i angry walk back to the living room... few min slp le... -.- great... haha!
then today morning nothing to do.. -.- later need to go lele concert...
hmmm.... think my secret a lot people know le... then i dun hide le ba... haha!!!

7:12 AM

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

hey hey... so long no write blog... not becouse i lazy!!!! cuz i can't write... -.- everyday 11pm cannot use com le.... then i everyday reach home after 11pm... -.-
hmm.... lets me recall my days....
fri--- i onli remember the night.. -.- play settlers until... until go my house overnight.... haha! play until 6am!!!!! 6am!!! not 6pm!! -.- i crazy... improve a lot... haha!
sat---sleep until afternoon go shopping with moses... shop shop... he brought a shirt and present... i also brought a present.... -.- then late for the meeting.... late 1hr onli... haha!!! song en cancelled it... cuz.... not sure.... maybe is we too late or simon can't go... haha! then at night caroling.... -.- no more... -.- reach home immediately sleep... haha
sunday--- that's yesterday... went to church... 16hr staying in church ar... -.- so tired lor.... from 12pm play SETTLERS until.............. 2am -.- so bored of that game le.... they still can play until so fun... haha! then come my house overnight again.. -.- lucky din continue.... haha!!! came home eat supper le then slp... -.-
today---- wake up write blog lor.... nth else... haha!!! BYE!!

3:24 AM

Friday, December 23, 2005

hi.... today go out 12hr... lol!! yesterday 2am start to slp.... then 4am dose off... -.- duno y can't slp... haha! then wake up at 9am... cuz 10.30am going celebrate my friend's birthday... -.- wa... i 9.35am start going... 10.20am reach... -.- wa.... wait 1hr!!!! -.- bluff me... 11.30am then start... -.- nvm.... go eat le play lan.... then i go out with church friend... at tampines mall... they buying present... then 6.30pm eat dinner with jiaen and some church member.... nice nice... haha! then walk around then go back home.... reach home immediate on com... cuz 11pm maid gonna slp... haha! keep pestering me now... haha!!! bye!

2:51 PM

Thursday, December 22, 2005

hi! yesterday so late slp... around 4am... haha! then being woke up by neighbour's 'drilling' -.- 11+am then wake up.. haha! not tired at all... -.-....
wake up play com... with alvin... haha! we played yesterday that y so late slp... -.-... hai... maple got patch ar... so we play littlefighter until 1.30pm then play maple.... -.-... dl very fast.... haha! less then 3 second finish le... -.- then play... very lag.... play around 15min? lol!! cuz going out soon... and LAG!!! everyone in maple also say very lag... -.-...
after that i bathe le then go out... go... get the new maid? cuz old maid gonna go back her country.. got wedding... -.-... go out with cousins.... go bedok... veryboring.... then squeeze inside a small car.... 9 people in a car... lol! haha... the car not big big de leh.... then my dad drive very slow... scared kana accident? haha!
hmm.... then we separate with the 'older' people.... we went to compass point go shopping.... i brought a 'toy'... haha... very cute...put it in my hp.... a key chain like that... my bro.... brought... 20? -.- he wanna buy all the 12 diff design.... but... in the end 9 diff onli.... 11 extra.... hahax!! then go eat with the 'older' people then came home.... do blog... haha! that all.... -.- BYE!

2:20 PM

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

hmm.... yesterday slp quite late today so early wake up.. -.- sleep at around... 3am.... then woke up at 5am... switch off my alarm clock then slp again.... then wake up at 6.30am (alto de.. dunno y) then found out my sis gone to fetch my cousin... -.- then sleep again.... not bad ar... can sleep so many times! then wake up at around 8.30am.... -.- cuz my cousin reach my home then my sis wake me up... -.- then i can't slp le... haha!!! hmm.... not tired de leh... -.- haha! today same thing... play maple... -.- nth much le.. haha! bb...

9:23 AM

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

hmm... normal day... play maple? haha! today around 1.30pm woke up... eat le practise a bit piano then on the com until now.... that long right? haha! dot.... dunno what to write now... -.-
cousin coming my house later at 6am... haha! hmm.... wish dun keep disturbing me... haha! that all ba... -.- today very boring... lol!!

5:02 PM

Monday, December 19, 2005

hmmm... a sunday again... today in the service fell asleep... lolx!!!! haha... almost all the people fell asleep... not onli me... haha! wa... pei fu pan jiaen... so concentrate during the service... -.-
then after the service nth to do... no lesson... then i walk walk... walk around.... so boring... then go the pri sch jie ye li... haha! the kids quite funny when answering the question.... haha!
after that go canteen sit on a chair and do nth.. -.- dun talk abt that le... haha! too boring... then sit on the... the.... ting siang(spell correct?) auntie's lorry... NICE RIDE!! haha! windy.... hair very messy... -.- then went home immediately slp on my sis bed.. -.- lay a while onli then go out... with some church member to watch movie... THE PROMISE!!! quite nice and LAME!!! haha! then go eat... then play settlers in kfc... haha! played two time... eunice and moses won... -.- quite pei wo... haha! two first time play de.... two won... haha!
hmm... then back home... bathe le then do blog... haha! (everytime came home immediately on the computer then at night no time to bathe... -.-)
that's today... haha! BYE!

3:40 PM

Sunday, December 18, 2005

yo! hmm... today not so boring... haha... actually wanna go funfair de.... in the end din go le... cuz no ticket? haha! then cannot buy anything so din go lor...
hmm... today go church early.... go there nth to do... -.- help out in the paper plate.... cut into half then write the verses....
hmm... then go out with moses... he go buy guitar string... then we play arcade... not fun de.... the machine spoilt de.... waste money... haha! then play pool.... draw.... 3:3 lol! pool quite worth it... $5.90 for 6 game.... er... total $7.90 cuz $1 for the member... -.- so one game like... $1.80? haha... like to calculate dunno y... -.- that y my math... kekeke.... lolx!
then coming back to church heavy rain... then me and moses dunno what to do in the bus stop... keep calling others to send us the umbrella... lol!!! in the end andrew save us.... BUT!!! by the time he came the rain not so heavy le... -.- then moses like keep saying not fun cuz the rain not so heavy... -.- NOT FUN??? light rain better then heavy de mah... haha! then go church quite sleepy.... nth to do... -.- then after tuanqi go home... and here i am!!! writing the blog... haha!
nth else le.... BYE!

2:45 PM

Saturday, December 17, 2005

hmm... today is a boring day...
hmm... today wake up at 11... quite late... haha... then stay at home whole day... -.- on the com whole day.... haizzz.... nothing to do.... that life... lolx... hmm.... today most of the time play maple.... play until more sian... died once... -.- waste my exp pt... -.- hmmm... nth else le... lolx... bb

12:32 PM

Friday, December 16, 2005

hmm... today play whole day... dunno y today so early wake up... haha... wake up at 8am... i sleep at 2am lor.... then i do QT.... then read a bit newspaper.... then very sian... nothing else to do.... lay on the sofa trying to slp... lying there abt 2 hour lor... -.- haiz.... boring... haha... dunno how my aunt... hmm.... no news of her.... today play maple whole day.... very sian... kill and kill... kill same thing.... haiz.... nothing else to do mah.... hai...
hmm... nice music? haha... today put the song.... thanks to nat... haha... yee see say will teach me till now haven't... hahax! dun need le.... haha! hmm... feel a bit unwell... maybe my sis pass the germs to me... haha! no lar.... -.-
hmm... nth else le... bb....

12:15 PM

Thursday, December 15, 2005

hmm... felt extreme happy today... after the prayer meeting... felt sad too... cuz my auntie got cancer in the intestine tml going operation... 50% chance of sucess.... happy and sad at the same time... hmm... should i be happy or sad? hmm.... y my mum like that? y she hate my dad side de people? why? hope she will change.... leave it to god... pray for her... keep praying... god is sooo true! really...
hmm... today... wake up at 6.45... do QT... go jogging... jog so slow... -.- from 7.45 jog until 8.30... four rounds... under my blk... er... one round abt 1.2km.... so total.... 4.8km? haha! after jogging not hungry de... -.- think i sick le... no wei kuo this few days...
hmm... that today... hope i can continue to do QT... pray hard!!!

3:47 PM

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

hmm.... quite a nice day today.... say boring not boring... fun? quite fun... haha! can be better... hmmm.... dunno hu got read my blog de... haha! tag me? haha! just write something... hmm.... today quite tired... go out whole day... a very very nice day.... an unforgetful day.... a meaningful day? a... eh... eh... no more vocab.... eng too poor... haha! dun ask me where i went... hmm.... haha! l0lx! is a secret...okie... that's all for my days..
hmm... long time no do QT le... should start now... glad to hear that zhen hui start doing his QT le... =D BYE!!!!

3:23 PM

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

yo? hmm.... today go out whole day... went to play badminton with jia min lele n dickson.. at qiting place.... hmm... then play table tennis... then go eat.... actually wanna go market85 de... in the end go airport eat... cuz the aunties eating at the market... haha! eat le then went home lor... hahax... today nothing much... hmm... gonna find a job... byex!

2:15 PM

Monday, December 12, 2005

hmm... today same thing.... went to church... lol.... today extra tired... -.- yesterday too late slp le ba... LOL! From abt 4 slp until 8... 4hr sleeping onli... wa.... the zhen dao i din slp!!!!! hahaz! cool.... maybe xi guan le.... everytime so sleepy until can control le.... lolx! hmm... maybe is the mu shi jiang dao ba.... then i wun slp... unlike the camp... less then 5 min sitting there all the audience half dead... -.- even enoch fell asleep!!!! =D
dun talk abt that le... -.- how to spent my holiday? lol... hmmm... de guo qia guo ba.... hahax

9:27 AM

Saturday, December 10, 2005

hi... long time no post.... got church camp from the 6th to 9th... hahax
hmm... the camp quite fun and bored at the same time... hmm... fun parts is night time playing settlers... haha.. boring de.... is the morning listening to the mu shi jiang tao.... hahax! everyone is sleeping lor... hahax so funny.... dunno how the mu shi feel.... lolx...
hmm.... today skip dao gao hui!! haha... go out with church de people.... lolx! got me, zhen hui, yee chien, lele n tian yun.... quite bored... dunno where to go.... hahax.. then go home bathe then here.... writing post.... -.- dao gao hui de ren still here.... lolx!
hmm... today quite a nice day... hahax... wa... one more min next day le... lolx!

3:59 PM

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

hi... today going church camp... haha...
haizx... yesterday so sian... play maple whole day.... ye play ye sian... lolx! then gu yi die.... haha.. got screenshot....lolx! cool ar that Crimson Balrog... haha... my life 700+ onli he damage me 3k.... magic guard no use de.... -.- cheat me.... last time thief use dark sight also kana killed by it.... -.-

let not talk abt maple le... -.- hahax... but... other then maple nth to talk le... -.- nice pics... lolx

2:43 AM

Thursday, December 01, 2005

hi? haha... today same thing... 2pm wake up.... lol! today went to band camp....
go there do nothing.... -_-" then they play night hunt i go hide... -.- in the end their group got error then din go look for me... -.- hide three places.... one in blk j stairs... got two cockroach then i change place... blk k stairs.... kana caught by other group then change again.... blk f stairs.... -_-" so warm inside... nobody walk pass there de... cuz the gate is lock... -.-" scary... so dark and quite... haha! not like two other place... one everyone need to walk pass to go up to second story... one cuz near bunk so is lighted... -.-
that's today... lol! bb...

3:41 PM