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Pick any wishlist to fulfill and you will make my day (:


Church friends
Baby Carol

Singapore Poly

Long lost secondary sch friends… -.-
Ai Hui
Foong Ming
Gordon (ALIVE!)
Jia Zheng

Long long long lost primary sch friends……

Esther(cant go in)
Joseph (hyper blog)

Extra sia... =X

link u?

Friday, October 09, 2015

Investment Journey

Just rearrange my investment excel spreadsheet! Sharing is giving! And here u go! I shall start my investment journey and update this spreadsheet once there is a transaction or dividend received!

3:10 PM

Monday, June 29, 2015

Same sex marriage?

God loves the people on the Earth. The measurement of love reflect on the level he hated Sin.
Sin is like a Tumor. When a stranger had a tumor, you won't hate that tumor in him because you don't love the stranger at all.
If your love one had a tumor, the level of hates that you hate that tumor reflect on the level of loves you loved your love one. Because the tumor is eating up your loves one life slowly.
You don't hate your love one together the tumor. You will still love him/her and on the same time, hated the tumor.
When humans sin, God don't hate the human. God still loved them and hated the sin in them. Because the sin are eating the human up that God loves.
Same sex marriage is a sin in God's eye.
God still love them and at the same time hated the sin in them. I can't tolerate those comments/pictures showing the world human rights on same sex marriage.
To me, they are showing the world and encourage them to sin freely.
Sinning right in front of the internet that shown to the entire world posted a threat to God.
I deeply hated the way they do, comment, actions on homosexual and I believe God too. They are influencing God's children to sin and messed up on their innocent mind.
What happened to this world =(

6:33 PM

Love is love God is love

5:51 PM

Friday, April 15, 2011

what's wrong with better grade people? cuz they can study better means people had to listen to them? they are wrong man! with fk up manner and thinking they wun survive in the society man.. what we learn in sch is not all.. it just prove that they can study thats it! does that means they can get better job next time? does that mean they can always look down on people? bullshit!

just write to vent my anger on millitary people not the rest of you.. its all abt army! study better become officer but with mental problem? fking ridiculous.. currently those top student i knew most of them have behaviour problem.. my unit can prove it all!!

8:14 PM

Thursday, December 09, 2010

cannot blog abt army or will get caught? -> hack care
totally no welfare at all.. all they want is image to the camp and hack care of our welfare..
Food disgusting, bunk so hot, airplane so noisy, long hours duty, no time to rest, doing duty still wanna backstap us, checkpoint so far dun want send us there cuz of their lazyiness (around 1.5km walk). and yest only slp 3 hrs. F up sia..
wanna share abt a sai kang the 'extra' let us do with him around.. it was burning hot in the afternoon and 'extra' wans us to stand in the sun without shelter.. what other unit do for the parking of the cars is when there is any vehicle they come out from their tent and direct where to park..
what the idiot told us is:"u see the other unit, dun they look messy and so not professional?" that line made us stand throughout the burning hot sun..
while i am standing, someone from the other unit walk to me and said:"there are trees around u why dun u seek shelter? the sun is so freaking hot!"
i told him we are not suppose to do that and he walk away feeling sad.. stupid right?? i rather look messy and unprofesstional than looking stupid and dumb standing whole day under the sun looking "professional" i seriously do not know what the 'extra' is thinking abt sia.. no wonder his fren all become major liao he still having captain.. play rank, see rank, cannot talk sense to him, care everything that is unnecessary, indent more and more trouble to us, balls strink when higher rank coming to our base, blame us everything when something happen, totally bias.
save more for future post.. -.- for me those post too long i will lazy to read.. those who read until here thanks for listening to my complain... can't write on facebook cuz of added "friends" so had to complain here.. lol

4:30 PM

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

so long nvr post liao today randomly feel like writing something.. think blog like outdated liao everyone went to facebook?
army really make me stupid.. hai.. thinking of something to write also can't think of anything.. cui.. more than a year nvr write liao most likely no one will come and see de.. heez.. if happen to read my post kindly write something in my tagboard? haha~ so that i know someone wants to read my post and wanna know more abt my life!
life in axxy is ok but those high rank people sux.. =D

8:14 PM

Friday, May 15, 2009

o.O... working become hardworking start to write blog liao... lols...
yesterday funny sia... cuz work slpy then the rm all went to sleep... then i woke up then panic a bit... cuz suddenly no one in the rm... o.o... 6 people all gone... then got 3 came back they said 3 gone to tp set up the equipment liao... then they went to shift things... power sia... cuz the door when it open got loud noise... then it opened two time i still asleep.. -.-... slpy me... then yesterday at that rm slp all day... then off work... good money... keke...
hai... today 5 people kana sack... haven got to know them much kana sack liao... then i alternate with another guy... dunno when dun need do.. zz... too many manpower need cut down.. sian...
k ba... anytime will kana sack de slack job.. lols... bye

11:06 PM

Monday, May 11, 2009

oh.. here i am again.. keke
today my dear yuting start work lo! keke... both working wun spend much... =x
hmm... today work ok la... slack till afternoon then busy a bit... lols... yup... no more le... getting closer to my working buddies... o.o...
yippy~ work everyday... the rest like work shift with another people... 1 work 1 off... me good no off... big money big money.... keke...
k ba.. nth much.. bye

7:27 PM

wa... long long time nvr update... think got rust liao.. keke...
just feel like writing.. o.o share my puzzle life.. lols...
last mon start work with yenwei and jingyang... then left me work there... they too much people then they kana sack.. @@... lucky left me... hoho...
hai.. feel bad for them... jingyang quit his job for this ST electronic job... yenwei ok la.. he nvr work.. lol...
i suppose to work as data entry de.. sat(2-5-09) and mon(4-5-09) two days only... then the ST electronic called me to work on monday(4-5-09) and tell my few fren to join too... then i quit my data entry join that one... as technician... data entry work 1 day onli.. and it is 4 hour that sat.. -.-
hai... technician nth to do one... 9.5 hour work i think we did 0.5 hour stuff... zz... rest of the time slack slack talk talk eat eat slp slp... now work without yenwei and jingyang liao... dunno how to spent my time in work... damn sian... but gd money.. o.o

12:12 AM