Sunday, October 29, 2006
yo! =X
omg... dl so many thing in my laptop... and it need 15min to start up.. AHHH!!!!
ok... must be last time not enough space then cannot shut down.. and when start up hor... it dunno log in to dunno what acc... saying not enough space to open my acc... so i deleted my counter-strike game then can start up le.. =D BUT hor... cannot shut down sia... therefore i deleted my gunbound... -.-" now can shut down and start up le... but it too 15min to start up... and took quite long to shut down... AHHH!!!!
today canoing... quite fun... =D use double de... i prefer single boat... =(
then around 3pm reach home... i wait for my laptop to start up until i SLEPT!!! yup... sleep until 4.30pm and use the com... use until 5pm onli.. cuz 6pm need to go church to discuss next year grouping...
(sun block useless de.. =X!!) tired... my face quite pinkish... i din put make up hor!! =P wait for my laptop to start up very tired... -.-" k.. that all... =D bb!
2:59 PM
Thursday, October 26, 2006
lalala... dun want to blog today de.. =X but got someone birthday must say...
keke... got 1 news which is bad and good... =X the news is... my laptop can play warcraft le... good cuz i can play with my friends in sch... bad is my studies will goes down.. WAHAHA!!
k ba.. bb...
2:14 PM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
eh? two same day birthday.. =X no wonder so weird... today keep thinking hu is the one same birthday as my bro.. =X!!
long time no blog le... now blog a bit... hmmm... today holiday... stay at home whole afternoon... Zzz.... then at night went compass point with my sis... bought a laptop cover.. =D
wa... 1mth no touch maple le.. =X my lvl still the same... last time too long no play feel very unusual.. now din feel anything.. then when i want to play then i will be thinking...
'wa.. need to play long hours then can lvl up 1 time...'
then i sian le then no play.. =X
eh? 3 week le still no msg me... -.- so rude =X!! dunno what she thinking.. no reply... no answer.. how i know what to do.. -.- what i can do is wait lo... Zzz...
wa.. nowadays so slack... sch work all dunno de... last time 1 day before sch read though the powerpoint slide before lesson de... now din read le... even slp in class.. =x!!
dunno y teacher din catch people sleeping in class de... last semester keep catching people... now teacher also slack le.. Zzz...
HMMM... must study hard le... =D cannot slack anymore... aiyo.. my target... b4 11pm slp... =X din meet at all.. LOL!! yesterday worst... 4.30am then slp... =X!!
wa... did u all heard b4 teacher got teach how to make blog acc? LOL!! aiyo... make blog to put comments in blog onli... this my teacher blog...
Zzz... now everyone in my class got blog le.. LOL!!
thats all ba.. =) bb!!
2:11 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
omg... nagging and nagging....
sian... people just keep talking the same things over and over again...
my PEEE's teacher teaching meathod sound like nagging... ARGH!!! i felt it that way lar.. dunno others classmates felt that or not... cuz she will goes like this..
'this one... and this one... and this one... and this one...'
second... MY DAD!!! ahhh.... so naggy... -.- keep telling us the same old things over and over again..
aiyo... one word to describe them... they r AGEING!!! =X!!! no offence!! LOL!!
sian sian... y life like that de...
wa... english sux de cannot write too long... very boring de... =X not like david, carol, natalie, mabel, jiazheng, rynette, victor... all write so long... but nice to read... =)
k.. cannot write long.. bb~!
12:52 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
=( almost 2 weeks le...
my hp 24hr by my side for around 2 weeks le still din got her msg... =(
y y y?
sian sia... no mood at doing everything... even playing games... go sch dunno what teacher is talking... go there slp onli... everyone does that... need to learn ourself then understand de...
dun wanna write le.. bb...
2:59 PM
Monday, October 16, 2006
why no reply... =(
no reply = sad
omg... i dun wanna be sad everyday!!!
god's plan is perfect... perfect means... onli good no bad... yay? sometime things may not happen when u wish it to happen... cuz it does not really make u happy if u have it... or it onli make u happy for a moment... but in the end it may even makes u more sad... thats y we need to wait for god's plan cuz his plan for us is PERFECT
that's what i learned today.. =)
i very desperate to know what god's plan for me sia... Zzz...
hai... i am a useless guy sia... everything also dunno how to settle.. stupid stupid... good for nth...
these few days my mood not good sia... din tell u all also can guess though my previous post le... just write it down to feel better... (eh? no link..) ok... write it down for the sick of updating this blog...
no lar.. -.- is because some things cannot face to face talk de... so must write in blog... yay? bb
2:59 PM
Sunday, October 15, 2006
hmmm... think that is the last sms i sent to her liao... hope not... thinking of her all the time... seeking god every now and then...
ok!! lets talk abt today... today had the first lesson of canoing... ahhh... so tiring.... need to learn theory also lo... which parts name what.... need to memorise... and today din canoe at all lo... today wear life vest to swim... Zzz... so long no go swimming le... swim le hao bu xi guan... and wear life vest very hard to swim leh... the leg keep floating de... then can't push the water... din bring shampoo and soap and TOWEL!!! omg... too sleepy today.. so a lot of thing forgot to bring.. Zzz
then reach home for 5 min went out le... went tuanqi... and i forgot to imform shiming.... kk... i am a lousy leader...
today was tired... yesterday play game until 2.30am then 6.30am wake up... very tired... kk.. bb.....
12:34 PM
Friday, October 13, 2006
what is GOD's plan for me?
i pray everynight for it... pray everynight for her exam... pray that things goes on smoothly...
i can't do anything other than praying... how i wish this had not happen... thought things will come out much happier... sad... that blame nobody other than myself...
pls pls... reply me pls...
1:40 PM
Thursday, October 12, 2006
wa... so blur outside n0w... STUPID HAZE!!!
hmm... yesterday night 10pm slp until 2.15am WAKE UP... bathe until 2.45am then slp again... stupid me... today in class so sleepy... 8am start lesson... teacher start teaching my eye start to close le... =X!! my eye open only when doing tutorial... AIYO!!!
out of the 4hr class... 1/2hr break... 1/2hr tutorial... 3hr lecture...
break time also slp... means... I SLEEP 3.5HOUR OUT OF 4HOUR!!!!
can't blame me leh... i think all the student also sleep in class... teacher was like singing song making us sleep... die lar... today lesson din listen at all.. lol.. must self revise le... =X
I WANT TO ME A BRILLANT BOY!!! although is impossible... Zzz...
wa.. tml got gems AGAIN... 8am so early... sure very sleepy de...
omg... my target everyday slp b4 11pm.... AHH!!! really very hard for me.. ='(
lalala... tml thur somebody exam finish le.. =D!!! bb~!!
2:14 PM
Monday, October 09, 2006
bad bad... six sense... tml will be a bad bad day.. =X!!
wa... tml presentation haven't do... hope victor will do finish it ALONE... AHH!!! and tue got laptest... DIE!!!!
aiyo.. must buck up le... NOWADAYS I SO SLACK!!! din do my piano theory... dun care abt my sch work... presentation... laptest... AHH!!! and now is 12+AM and i have not slp... hope tml sch wun slp in lesson... Zzz... 8AM!! SO EARLY!!!
and my table... wanna tidy it last mth and now still the same... =X SO MESSY!!! see already no mood to study... Zzz...
oh no!! my face got more and more pimple le!!! HELP!!!! scared later i dream of someone then my pimple burst and wake me up during my SWEET dreams... =X!!
aiyo... sigh... think of somebody make me sigh... AHH!!!
aiyo... cannot play maple le... waste my time... gonna study hard!!! BB!! =)
2:59 PM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
YO!!!! wa... this gal cute?
=D dunno how to spell her name... know how to pronounce... called... ZYON!! =X
see... so cute... hitting herself... =X!!! got one more pics..

eh? that guy so ugly... LOL!! dun look at that guy... look at that cute gal can le.. =D
hmm... today went to my cousin wedding... so cool... lol!!
aiyo... dunno what to write le... so sian... cuz someone no reply my msg de... =(
2:59 PM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
WEE!!! i gonna announce...
=P!!! today after sch my piano teacher msg me say i passed my piano exam... but dunno got how many marks... =D!!! wa... didn't know i will pass... haha!! aiyo.. pass but sure gets low marks de! =X!!
WA!!!! omg... our cadd teacher really funny sia... -.-
the in lap... here is one of his instruction...
'right click the mouse and the click office snap.'
and i am finding where is office snap... (kenneth also can't find it...)
'right click the mouse and the click office snap.'
'right click the mouse and the click office snap..'
'right click the mouse and the click office snap...'
OMG!! i just can't find it!!! guess what? that thing is called object snap...
i and kenneth was laughing out soft!! LOL!! of course cannot be loud... is rude ar.. haha!!! wa.. his lesson hor... DAMN FUNNY AR!!! cuz he got the xiang gan ren de slang... its my first time hearing xiang gan ren speak english... =X!!
got more ar...
forgot how he link to this subject de... not quite sure also.. =X he was asking as to find his names in the SP website dunno for what reasons... and he say he is A PROFESSION ENGINEERING GRADUATE!!! OMG!!! ALMOST EVERYONE DUN UNDERSTAND WHAT HE TALKING IN CLASS AND HE CALLED HIMSELF PROFESSION!!!! WAHAHAHA!!!!
wa.. and he wants our attention we really must pay attention... cuz we using the lap computer to do our work... then we r like doing half way the screen WHOLE THING BLUE AND A WORD "ATTENTION" IN THE SCREEN!!! LOL!!! then classmate yew yong was like saying in xiang gan slang... 'pls take away that attention..' LOL!!! and when he going to turn all computer to 'attention' yew yong will say... 'pls no attention.. pls no attention...' hahaha!!
aiyo... not that we rude to the teacher ar... is his way of talking really funny leh... maybe u wun find it funny when i post it here... cuz dun have that slang... LOL!!!
hmmm... so pei fu the teacher... although he is not very fluent in his english.. BUT HE STILL TEACH!! his courage... his knowledge... is good to learn from him though
lalala... seondary sch when finish exam? =X!!!!!
bb~! haha!!
9:53 AM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
omg... watching Battle Royale in youtube... OMG!!! eh... below 16 dun watch ar... LOL!!!
=X!! victor de hao jie shao... lol... here the link... =X!!!
LOL!!! below 16 dun click ar... keke... hmm... ok.. nth to write le.. =X i go watch finish.. haha!!
9:42 AM
Monday, October 02, 2006
HMMM... wa... the cute blog's owner gonna be my assistant grp leader next year in xile...
yup yup... yeesee next year is my assistant grp leader!!! LOL!!
hmmm... i gonna set some target liao... my target is... SLEEP BEFORE 11PM EVERYDAY!!!
ok... that is a VERY hard things to do... to me onli.. LOL!! yesterday i lay in bed at 2+am and still awake at 4am... =X
oi oi... today church late not all my problem hor!! this is my reason...
my second sis first to wake up.. then call me at 8.15am... then i call my bro after using finish the toliet... then last is my first sis wake up at 8.30am... then going to leave the home my dad wake up at 8.55am... =X THAT'S Y I LATE!!! LOL!!! (church start so early de... 9am leh!!)
and reach there i RUN up lo... wa... can't catch my breath leh... up stage i was like panting lo... haven't catch my tune also... and change from that english language to chi i was like SIGHT SINGING!! LOL!!! aiyo.. singing quite bad today...
haven't finish my target.. =X
first is sleeping.. second!!! i gonna do quiet time EVERYDAY... HARD LEH!! LOL!! expecially for a lazy guy like me... Carol can sms me everyday to remind me? =X!! jkjk... LOL!!
(omg.. haven't publish this post carol sms me to remind me le.. =X)
THIRD!!! quite lame... i gonna speak both chi and eng fluently by end of this year!!!!!! LOL!!
Bilingual!! <--(spell correctly? =X)
practising chi to ALL my friends... practising eng to my silbling... =D!!
cuz i gonna pass that stupid new module CRITICAL REASONING SKILL!!! ok... it is another type of General Paper... Zzz... it is like JC's GP minus a little content and add in DEBATING... i hate debating... Zzz.. stupid module... and my eng for O's just got C6!! hope i can survive in that module...
sian.. sch sch.. i dun like schooling... AHH!!! hu like schooling? LOL!!
AHHH... remember my target?
1-sleep b4 11pm
2-do QT everyday
3-bilingual in eng and chi by this year
LOL!! first target gonna fail today le... cuz now is 10.45pm and i haven't bath and do QT... LOL!! BB!!
1:45 PM
Sunday, October 01, 2006
yo~ lazy guy is going to blog again...
hmm... today at home doing nth... AHH!! cuz my bro wanna use the home computer to study... then all the games in the home computer so today i have to use the game-less laptop whole day.... -.-"
sian... tell him to switch he dun want... AHH!!! this is what he say...
'today i want to use this com to play...'
so today can't play games....
BUT!! lol... i dl games to my laptop... dl the mario... LOL!! old games... but fun... =D dl to waste my time onli... -.-"
wa... my bro study whole day sia... if i study like that hor... 3 days can finish poly le... =X!!
today tuanqi we pong tang... LOL!!! it is abt TEA... and we have no interest in TEA... and hor... that thing start at 7.30pm... u know what time i reach? =X 8.15pm... =X then 8.30pm excape.. LOL!!! we play that sparkling stick... then go opposite shell eat ice-cream... then come back again daydream... =X
wa... aris become naughtier le... LOL!!
kk.. bb!
2:48 PM