Monday, July 31, 2006
yo~ what is the name for the guy hu check those hu din play the bus fare de? =x
LOL~! ty so much for calling me up.. =x lol~!
i was like sleeping half way then he call me up to check the ez-link card... and next stop is the time to alight... if not i gonna ride until the interchange le.. lol!!
hmm.. nowadays my cash was like... NOT ENOUGH FOR LIVING!!!!! keke... maybe i gonna find a part time job... ~.~ so free at home waste so much time... lol.. any job can offer?
hmm... i think i writing longer and longer le... my reader friendly blog gonna disappear le.. =x short and sweet blog... kekez... bb~! lol~
11:44 AM
Sunday, July 30, 2006
dotz... lol!! my tennis lost!!!! keke...
aiyo... stupid event... that person was like pro lo... i just learn to play then need to challenge standard so high de... how to win!!!!!!
my skill :
serve the ball(in can le)...
hit back the ball(also in can le)...
dunno how to smack....
dunno how to spin the ball...
ahhh... just dunno how to hit back... -.-
then he was like... know how to spin... smack the ball so hard... (veryfast) then i was like... can't catch up the ball... AHH!!! one word for him... LEARN TENNIS B4 ALREADY!!! hai... nvm... good thing is.. SAT DUN NEED GO BACK SCH FOR TENNIS!!! WEE!!!
haven't tell the score... =x eh...
not bad le can get 4 marks... lol! bb!!
btw... boong next sat want play tennis? =x
2:20 PM
Friday, July 28, 2006
omg... BREAK RECORD~!!... =x know what?
i slept at 9.00pm last night... =x super sia.... this year haven't so early slp yet.. lol~! now still very energetic... lol~! kekeke...
hmm... think my skin colour getting darker... one week one time sunburnt... -.-" cuz of that tennis... skin totally diff colour from the inside... lol~!!!!
aiyo... sian sian.. bb~!
11:34 AM
Thursday, July 27, 2006
From sp website:
Temporarily Closure of Foodcourt 4
Due to a change in operators, Foodcourt 4 will be closed for about a month effective from 1 Aug 2006. We regret the inconvenience caused but be assured that a new dining ambiance and experience awaits you.
OMG!!!! FOODCOURT 4 CLOSE LE!!! MY FAVOURITE PLACE TO EAT!!!!! 1 MTHS!!! SO LONG!!! AHH~!!!! must eat at foodcourt4 everyday from now on.... =x
-.-" aiyo... si tennis din inform me again... go there they say no tennis... EVERYTIME LIKE THAT DE!!! stupid people... wait so long.... carry a racket so heavy... si dong xi....
aiyo.. found it meaningless to play maple... =x think abt it like wasting of time playing it... just to lvl u spents hours killing monsters... lvl le still need to lvl... lvl lvl lvl... no end de... lvl high then... nth much? lol~ -.- watch anime better... gunbound also not bad... =x
go le.. bb
11:45 AM
Sunday, July 23, 2006
YO~! lalala~~~
I WON!!! keke.... that match was like... OMG!!!!! SO DAMN HARD~!! =x
hmm.... me vs him... a guy... (of course)
the score was like...
I LOSING!!!!!!! panick sia.... then dunno how i pull up the score de....
here it goes...
=x then he was like... so nervous... so panick also... LOL!!!! then..~
hmmm.... at that time draw i thought is last game le... CUZ I SO TIRES SIA!!!! then they say... 2 more game... must lead the opponent by 2 pts... OMG!!! SO THIRSTY!!! SO TIRING!!!! -.-"
7:5... lol... i won...
this match is the longest match... last round was insane sia... keep duce-ing.... duce duce.... when playing last match the rest finish already... -.-" what a hard opponent.. LOL~! phew... finally over... and my sweat was like... raining? =x I DIRTY THE TRAIN~!!!
north east line... i sit on a "chair" and when i stand up... the chair... =x like just washed a moment ago... can see water de... =x water DROPLET!!!!
keke... kkz... win win... next week another game... scared sia... bb~!
9:13 AM
Saturday, July 22, 2006
AAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH NO!!!!!
Zzz.. first round win a guy 6:1.... then i like... WASTE MY TIME PLAYING WITH HIM!!!~
-.-""" first round he win... then he like so happy like that... then the rest 6 i win lo... =.=
stupid... dunno how to start the ball still sign up the tournament.... when he start the ball i dun need play le... sure hit the net... -.-
scared next opponent.... he also beat his opponent 6:1... =x die die... hai... this 'match' looks hard... those i play b4 de better players all OUT!!! wa... dunno the rest standard... AHH!!!
die die... -.-... still need to go sch just for a match.. lame lame... kk bb!!
2:59 PM
Friday, July 21, 2006
hai... feel that maple so boring.. =x I PLAYING GUNBOUND!!!! LOL~~
not bad... long time no play still got some skill.. =x me pro wor... LOL!!!
hai... si youtube suddenly window cannot load... -.- watching bleach halfway leh.. -.-" so exciting lo...... bb... -.-
9:22 AM
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
hmm... know what i goanna type today? I GoANNA COMPLAIN!!!!
Zzzz STUPID CYA!!!!!! IT'S Changi Youth Ambassador.... Zzz... WASTE MY TIME!!! stupid cca... Zzz... si dong dong... took so long to finish... then so late eat my dinner... 9+pm then eat!!!!! SO HUNGRY!!! -.-"
si live messanger... everytime cannot save my e-mail and pw de!!! lazy me everytime need to re-type... =.= AND IT TOOK SO lOnG TO SIGN IN!!! took around... 30min? Zzz
si youtube.... i load bleach ep8-14.... ep8 haven't load until halfway ep12-14 load finish le.. -.- AIYO!!!! QI SI WO LE!!!! STILL LOADING!!!!
Zzz... k ba... so freak out.. -.- BB!!!
1:27 PM
Monday, July 17, 2006
hmm... nth much today... =.= aiyo... my study die le lar.. =x that PEEE module i dun understand lo... =x learn whole day leh.. -.-"
AHHHH!!!! hai... wed got tennis de tournament... Zzz.. stupid tennis... lousy information given... everytime din inform me de... stoopid stoopid.... wed no tennis also din inform me... stupid..
if one more time din inform me i sure quit... haha!! lost one potiential player.. LOL!!!!
keke... dun zi kua le... lol!! GRATZ BOONG PATCH WITH PERRY!!!! ~happy ending...~
LOL keke.... bb!!
1:48 PM
Friday, July 14, 2006
stress stress stress.... y studies make people stress... Zzz.. just study ma... y stress leh? -.- can then can lo... if cannot nth much u can do.. -.-
maybe i din put in any seriousness in study ba... dun understand how other people feel... -.-"" so lazy nowadays... late almost every lesson.. =x
HAIZZz.... BGR cause so much problems.. =.= so sad boong... hope u two patch up soon... can't do anything lo... can onli just hope and wish both of u be together soon... BGR sux.. =x
k ba... go le...
2:59 PM
Thursday, July 13, 2006
si hotmail mail... send me mails say i send de e-mail cannot be send... -.- but they receive two times... Zzz... hotmail like to cheat people.. =x
si le lar... my studies.. din understand PEEE topic at all.. =x must self study one day...
hmm... watching full matal alchemist now.. haha!! not bad... but load so slow.. still loading... =x (that's y i write blog)
BOONG!!!! PATCH UP WITH PERRY!!!!!!!! si boong everytime cause troubles de.. =x no lar... jkjk... couples will quarrel de lar... after that ur relationship will strengthen de... =) dun worry wor~!! nth much i can say too.. =x
k ba.. bb!!~
2:59 PM
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOTMAIL SUX!!!!!!
Zzzz cannot send mails de... -.- aiyo... my powerpoint de secquence how to send to them.... T.T AHHH!!!!!!
aiyo... yesterday so late slp today in class so sleepy... =x ALMOST SLP!!!!!! hai... next time then revise what teacher teach us today.. =x so lazy.. haha!!
hmmm.... i really very very lazy wor... in sch or train i sure take lift de... rarely climb the stairs... =x haha!! k ba... today no pics.. SRY!!! haha! bb!
11:01 AM
Monday, July 10, 2006
today go church whole day... raining sia... RAINING MAKES ME SLEEPY!!!! almost slept all the time.. =x
YO!!! =x wahaha!!! today got nice pics... LOL!!!!! MUAHAHA!!
hmmm.. me looks ugly.. =x
CUTE MA???!!!!!!!! haha!!! my new gf!! LOL!! jk jk... =x
got two wor.. =x
<--nicer... arris pose for me de.. LOL!!
2:59 PM
Sunday, July 09, 2006
yoyo! got pics in my blog nicer? =x BUT VERY TROUBLESOME!!!! haha!!
today go hiking... TIRED!!! aiyo... pei them walk walk onli... went to... =x forgot the name.. LOL!!!

<--today go hiking.. =.= WALK SO FAR!!!!! saw the road? endless de...........

<-- ate this for dinner.. PRAWN MEE AGAIN!!! LOL!!! prawn mee nice ma.. =x addicted to it le.. LOL!!

<-- cute ma? haha!! take it on the way home de.. LOL!! TY YUN GUAN SEND US HOME!!! haha!! so ke lian... go seng kang from tampines and need to go back tampines again... =x
1:46 PM
Saturday, July 08, 2006

<<-- see this until sian... -.-"

<<--- i go in the same door everyday.. LOL!! the fifth door from the back.. =x anyone board the train from that door might see me.. =x
k ba... lol!! pics pics... thanks to victor!!! he help me send to com de.. =x
9:52 AM
Friday, July 07, 2006
hi... hmm.... today sch ar.... same... boring as usual... =x
aiyo... math test got full marks... =x so tyco again... -.-"
hmmm... k ba... cya...
7:05 AM
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
hi... Zzz... TY VICTOR!!! haha!! got pics in my com le... =x can upload some.. LOL!!
this dog cute ma? =x last time go cycling with xile take de... the dog looks very... guilty? cuz keep bitting us.. =.=

this one name.. lele.. much cuiter.. LOL!!
k ba... haha!! i love dogs!!!! wahaha!! keke...... kkz.. bb... =x
1:31 PM
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Zzz... hmmm... start of sch... and got problem.. the chapter 18 presentation LOR!!! =x
today need to present the powerpoint and our group din touch at all... o.O then we did it when other groups presening... =x!!! haha!! finish it on time.... so lucky...
aiyo... get back PEEE and DE result... Principles of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Digital Electronic... Zzz....
DE got... top? =x PEEE forgot is third or forth in class... hehe... so tyco.. LOL.. k ba... cya...
9:08 AM
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Zzz.... bored.... things not going the way i wanted.. lol!!
that's all.. =x bb!
10:30 AM